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Retraining course | March
Retraining course | March

Sat, Mar 05


Barber School

Retraining course | March

The course, accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, is completed by the award of Requalification in the field of Barbering, thanks to which you can apply for a trade license and thus start a business in barbering. The teaching team and professional training center will provide you with the conditions for your chosen form of study.

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Mar 05, 2022, 9:00 AM – Apr 28, 2022, 4:00 PM

Barber School, Orlí 482, 602 00 Brno-střed-Brno-město, Czech Republic

O události

This course, accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, ends with a final exam and the award of requalification in the field of Barbering. After achieving this requalification, you can apply for a trade license in the field of Barber/Hairdresser, and thus start a business in barbering. The course is linked to the employment office, which provides financial support. The syllabus of this course contains 100 hours of theory and 150 hours of practice, it is focused on barbering and everything needed for successful completion of the final exam, subsequent practice and business in this area. Our professional training center for barbers will provide you with quality and pleasant conditions for the presentation or combined form of study of our Requalification course. Everything is under the supervision of our team of lecturers who will guide you to the successful completion of your Barber studies.


  • Retraining course

    CZK 35,000.00
    Sold Out
  • Partially paid for by the Labor Office

    The employment office provided you with financial support for the INCOMPLETE requalification course. Upon request, you will pay the surcharge using your own funds. The price of the course depends on the amount of financial support provided by the Employment Office.

    CZK 0.00
    Sale ended
  • Paid by the Labor Office

    The Employment Office provided you with financial support for the FULL amount of the Requalification Course.

    CZK 0.00
    Sale ended


CZK 0.00

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